OFW Guide: How to get a job Overseas?

As an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW), considering new job opportunities can be both exciting and daunting. The Global Market offers a wealth of possibilities, but understanding overseas dynamics and cultural nuances is crucial for a successful transition. In this blog, we will highlight several ways you can find employment opportunities abroad.
1. Research Job Opportunities
Start by researching industries and sectors that match your skills and expertise. Look into companies that have a demand for your profession or field of work. Government websites and reputable job portals can be valuable resources for identifying potential job openings. Understanding the booming industry in your country of choice will be a relevant first step for you to pick up skillsets and knowledge to enhance your chances of getting employed abroad.
Find out the booming industry in Singapore here.
Find out the booming industry in Taiwan here.
2. Leverage Your OFW Network or seek assistance from Agencies
If you’re one of the lucky ones with OFW network, it would be beneficial for you to connect with them to find out their OFW experience and gain tips on getting employed abroad. For the rest of us, seeking help from reputable agencies might be a good idea on helping you get started with your journey as you would be able to tap into the agency’s wealth of knowledge and network to help you get started with your journey working abroad.
Speak to one of Kenneth & Co’s consultants by booking a FREE consultation here.
3. Gain Educational Qualification and skillsets for the Job
Once you have decided on the industry that you wish to work for, it is time for you to gain the necessary certification or educational qualifications for the job. By beefing up your resume by having an Educational Qualification such as a Master’s or PhD will definitely make you stand out against your competition. Find out about our Educational Programs here.
4. Attend Virtual Job Fairs and Webinars
When actively seeking employment opportunities globally, you can participate in virtual job fairs and webinars hosted by companies or recruitment agencies. These events can provide direct access to employers from around the world and offer a chance to learn about their hiring processes.
5. Stay Persistent and Patient
Job hunting can be challenging, even for experienced OFWs. Understand that Taiwan is currently in the process of recruiting foreign talents into their economy which means that you’re venturing into Taiwan’s market at an opportune and good time. Stay persistent, patient, and positive throughout the process. Every step you take brings you closer to your goal.
Venturing into an Overseas market can be challenging and daunting filled with many obstacles. Here at Kenneth & Co we believe we can help simplify this process by guiding you from the start to the end of Oversea job hunt process. Simply book a free consultation with us today to kickstart your journey of working abroad.
Disclaimer: All information is true as of time of publish in 2023, information and data may change beyond this date. For most updated information, always refer to relevant site before making decisions. Kenneth & Co disclaims any liability for any harm caused by using the information provided.