How to deal with culture shock abroad: A guide for OFW

Philippines Education

It can be exciting and difficult to work as an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) abroad. The biggest obstacle you might encounter is culture shock. Although it can be challenging, many OFWs find that adjusting to a new culture, its traditions, and way of life is a common experience. 

People frequently experience culture shock, a psychological and emotional reaction, when they relocate to a foreign country or culture with different customs, values, and ways of life. It typically goes through several stages, each of which can have a different intensity and length depending on the individual. There are four stages that make up culture shock. 

1. The Honeymoon Phase

At first, people are filled with excitement and joy in their new surroundings. They might discover everything as intriguing and be amazed by the local customs, delicious food, and friendly people. During this phase, the challenges of cultural and communication differences might not be so noticeable or troubling.

2. Frustration or Disenchantment stage

After the initial excitement fades, people may begin to notice and get annoyed by the differences in culture. Simple everyday tasks, such as grocery shopping or using public transportation, can become challenging. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and frustration due to misunderstandings and difficulties in communication. 

3. The Stage or Adjustment or Acceptance

In this phase, people begin to adapt to the new culture and find ways to cope with challenges. They become more familiar with the culture and may even start to like certain aspects of it. During this time, they can build connections and establish a support network within the new culture.

4. The stage of mastery or adaptation

At this stage, people have fully adapted to the new culture and have no desire to go back. They feel comfortable and relaxed in their surroundings, and their daily routines have become second nature. Cultural differences no longer cause stress, and some may even develop a profound appreciation for the host culture.

Now that you understand the stages of culture shock, in this guide, we'll explore five helpful points to help you navigate and cope with culture shock effectively.

1. Prepare Mentally and Emotionally

Before you embark on your overseas journey, it's essential to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the cultural differences you'll encounter. Research and educate yourself about the host country's culture, traditions, and societal norms. Understanding what to expect can ease the initial shock and make the transition smoother. 

2. Stay Open-Minded and Curious

An open mind is your greatest ally when dealing with culture shock. Embrace the opportunity to learn and appreciate the host country's culture. Be curious and ask questions but do so respectfully. Engaging with locals and understanding their perspectives can help bridge cultural gaps and foster meaningful connections. 

3. Build a Support Network

Feeling isolated is a common aspect of culture shock. To combat this, seek out fellow OFWs and expats who may be experiencing similar challenges. Join local support groups or online communities where you can share your experiences, seek advice, and offer support to others. Having a support network can provide emotional relief during difficult times.

4. Learn the Local Language

One of the most effective ways to adapt to a new culture is by learning the local language. Even basic language skills can go a long way in helping you navigate daily life, communicate with locals, and feel more integrated into the community. Consider enrolling in language courses or using language-learning apps to improve your skills gradually. However, if you’re looking forward to working in Singapore, English is generally used and spoken here but it would help you greatly to learn some singlish phrases to communicate with locals.

5. Celebrate Your Filipino Heritage

While it's important to embrace your host country's culture, don't forget to celebrate your Filipino heritage as well. Maintain connections with your roots by cooking Filipino meals, observing local holidays, and sharing your traditions with new friends and colleagues. This not only keeps your identity alive but can also be a source of pride and comfort.

Culture shock is a natural part of the OFW experience, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can navigate it successfully. Remember that dealing with culture shock is a transformative experience that can broaden your horizons, enrich your life, and make you a more resilient and adaptable individual. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for personal growth and cultural enrichment.

Disclaimer: All information is true as of time of publish in 2023, information and data may change beyond this date. For most updated information, always refer to relevant site before making decisions. Kenneth & Co disclaims any liability for any harm caused by using the information provided. 

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