How do I integrate into Singapore’s society?

As such a sentiment is prevalent throughout society, integration has become a crucial criterion in the ICA assessment of every PR application. With integration being a dynamic process that helps the diverse societal for a mutual engagement in economic, political, social and cultural life. It also helps to foster a shared sense of belonging and positive harmonious living at national and local levels. Thus, the lack of effort to integrate into the local community might result in a lower success rate due to the social gap.
Amongst a pool of candidates vying for limited permanent residency, we strongly encourage our applicants to convey their intention and commitment to integrate into Singapore society in their application. One might then ask, how do I go about achieving this? Fret not, Kenneth & Co. have compiled some tips below to allow you to better integrate into Singapore society.
1. Take part in the local favourite past time

EATING. Yes, undeniably, food brings people together. In Singapore, it is no different. Eating has been a big part of Singapore culture. With the wide variety of local food at affordable prices, we take pride in the local food culture. As our society is composed of 4 major races, the same goes for many of our cuisines here. Try being open-minded to taste the plethora of food that Singapore has to offer. Who knows, you might find your new favourite local delicacy. Savouring the amalgamation of cuisines that Singaporeans take great pride in is the first (and easy) step to appreciate our history and culture.
2. Make friends with Singaporeans
Supportive and genuine friendships in a different country can enrich our lives immeasurably. Friendships can often provide us with a sense of connection, home and belonging. You can start by making friends with your colleagues or neighbours. Festivals are a great way to introduce and share your home delicacy to your friendly neighbours. Join the community and interest groups to forge friends of similar interests and hobbies. Through this, you might pick up some Singlish or two that could be helpful when communicating or understanding the locals during an informal conversation.

The Human Library SG is a new initiative where you can “borrow“ humans and interact with people from all walks of life. It includes having potluck meals with seniors (Makan with seniors). Alternatively, if you are introverted, you could consider volunteering at various community centers to widen your network in the local community. Through these, not only will you be able to gain a local buddy, but you might be able to gain exposure to the different lifestyles, languages, and people in Singapore.
3. Volunteering

What better way to understand a society than to start from the grassroots community? Volunteering is an excellent way to contribute to the poor and needy. In exchange, you will get to build friendships with other volunteers of similar interests. At the same time, you make a difference in the society you now live and commute in. In these sessions, one can truly understand the cultural differences and ageing problems in the community. As such, this might potentially help you to navigate around these differences easier than before.
Below are some organizations that you can offer your volunteering service to:
- Ju Eng Home (Tel: 6484 6890)
- Willing Hearts (Tel: 6743 0725 / 6743 0705)
- Touch Community Services (Tel: 6377 0122)
- Singapore Children’s Society (Tel: 6273 2010)
- Ling Kwang Home for Senior Citizens (Tel: 6287 5466)
- Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES) (Tel: 6892 9821)
Stepping out of your comfort zone is vital. A simple hello or even going out of the way to volunteer in an organisation will be a step forward in integrating better into society. Singapore is a melting pot of cultures and races, and the key is to ensure social cohesion as you convert into a PR.
Furthermore, for those keen to apply for a Permanent Residency in Singapore, making an effort to integrate into the local fabric of society will amplify your chances. Should you need any further assistance or tips to bolster your application, feel free to consult with Kenneth & Co! Our consultants are equipped with the expertise and deep resources to help you along every step of the way.
Disclaimer: All information is true as of time of publish in 2022, information and data may change beyond this date. For most updated information, always refer to relevant site before making decisions. Kenneth & Co disclaims any liability for any harm caused by using the information provided.