Missed Opportunities as a Work Permit Holder

Work Pass

We live in volatile times. So much has changed in the past two years, let alone five years. If you have been on a Work Permit for the past two to five years, we are speaking to you! Why are you remaining as a Work Permit Holder when there are great opportunities ahead of you?

Could it be uncertainty, comfort? Or complacency? Regardless, hear us out as we share with you why you should not remain as a Work Permit.

1. Income Increment

Without sugarcoating reality, Work Permits are classified as the lowest tier of employment in Singapore due to their expendability. As Work Permit jobs often require low skill levels without any tertiary education, they are easily replaceable.

Coupled with the nature of Singapore’s workforce, which places a premium on skill sets and education, Work Permits will naturally earn a lower income than an S Pass or E Pass holder.

We have a table below to illustrate the differences. But the vast difference between the different work pass grants is mainly due to the education levels and skills-sets one possesses.

Table 1.0 (2024)

With an upgrade, you can potentially switch out of your current industry with a higher salary range. As you can see, there is a stark difference. If you do the math, you will see that the cost of remaining as a Work Permit is high, even for a few years.

2. Limited Job Opportunities and Instability

Work Permits have limited job opportunities. By extension of Work Permits categorized as low-skilled workers with limited educational qualifications, Work Permits often only qualify for labour-intensive jobs – security, manufacturing, service-oriented jobs etc.

The instability that Work Permits face is a problem that becomes prominent, especially in moments of crisis. During Covid, companies have no choice but to lay off replaceable employees. Needless to say, Work Permits have the shorter end of the stick.

As seen, the number of Work Permits declined from 999,000 to 848,200 from 2019 to 2020 when the pandemic hit, marking the sharpest employment drop of 15%.

It was a relief if you managed to tide through such volatile times and still retained your Work Permit. But, have you thought about the job opportunities you have missed and will continue to miss if you remain on a Work Permit?

3. Missed Integration Opportunities

One of the shortcomings of labour-intensive jobs is the long working hours. It is also often done in shifts with odd working hours. Having to set aside time with your family is already hard enough, let alone time for yourself.

However, regarding a PR application, other than educational qualifications, Singapore also looks at qualitative factors such as the effort to contribute to Singapore’s economy and the willingness to integrate harmoniously into the society. To find out more about social integration, read our article!

In your time as a Work Permit, you might have missed out on the opportunities for integration into Singapore.

Our Final Thoughts

The instability that Work Permits face is a problem that becomes prominent, especially in moments of crisis. During Covid, companies have no choice but to lay off replaceable employees. Needless to say, Work Permits have the shorter end of the stick.

We hope you are convinced that staying stagnant as a Work Permit will not benefit you in the long run. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make, and it will be detrimental to your chances of obtaining permanent residency (PR) in Singapore.

You need to upgrade yourself to a higher education level or skill set. If you wish to know more, head on to our article on the steps you can take to begin your PR journey! In the meantime, our experts here at Kenneth & Co are more than happy to provide you with consultation and practical action steps.

Reach out to us today!

Disclaimer: All information is true as of time of publish in Jan 2024 information and data may change beyond this date. For most updated information, always refer to relevant site before making decisions. Kenneth & Co disclaims any liability for any harm caused by using the information provided.

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